All song writers should join one of these PROs, especially if they are playing their music around town. These venues are required by law to pay for the music being performed. If you're performing your music in any (reputable) venue, you should be getting paid for it. There are currently three U.S. companies that collect for music performances:
What They Have in Common:
All three companies have great member services. They each have their own login portal for members to register their songs. (Yes, you must manually register your song on their site so they know to look out for it and pay you for the performance.) All three PRO's actively search out music venues and other businesses to make sure that they have proper licenses and are paying for performances.
What Makes Them Different:
Largest PRO
Views their writers and publishers as Members, meaning you may attend meetings and conferences throughout the year
Extremely active in the Songwriter Equity Act
No fees to join
Allows writer/artist to upload Set List directly to site to ensure payment for performance
Exclusivity - to become a member of SESAC, you must be invited by a current member
Less writers, more payout. Each PRO pays out of their own pie, so the less people to eat the pie, the larger the slice.
No matter your choice, each of these companies looks out for their members. They ensure that writers can be paid for the performance of their work. This way, writers and artists can make a living off what they do best, creating. So, songwriter, which PRO will you be joining?