Friday, February 26, 2016

PROs: Why Writers Need Them

Performance Rights Organizations.  You may have heard of these companies before, but if you haven't, they are businesses in the music publishing stream of the music industry.  Performing Rights Organizations (PROs) have contracts with all sorts of businesses to collect money on behalf of their members.  Businesses they collect from include radio stations, restaurants, music venues, and even universities.  After collecting this money, they pay out their members, writer and publishing companies alike.  You may think that signed writers and established music publishers are the only ones who can benefit from these PROs, but fortunately, you are wrong.

All song writers should join one of these PROs, especially if they are playing their music around town. These venues are required by law to pay for the music being performed.  If you're performing your music in any (reputable) venue, you should be getting paid for it. There are currently three U.S. companies that collect for music performances: 

What They Have in Common: 

All three companies have great member services.  They each have their own login portal for members to register their songs.  (Yes, you must manually register your song on their site so they know to look out for it and pay you for the performance.)  All three PRO's actively search out music venues and other businesses to make sure that they have proper licenses and are paying for performances.

What Makes Them Different: 


Largest PRO
Views their writers and publishers as Members, meaning you may attend meetings and conferences throughout the year
Extremely active in the Songwriter Equity Act


No fees to join
Allows writer/artist to upload Set List directly to site to ensure payment for performance


Exclusivity - to become a member of SESAC, you must be invited by a current member
Less writers, more payout.  Each PRO pays out of their own pie, so the less people to eat the pie, the larger the slice. 

No matter your choice, each of these companies looks out for their members.  They ensure that writers can be paid for the performance of their work. This way, writers and artists can make a living off what they do best, creating. So, songwriter, which PRO will you be joining? 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Campbell Station

Since coming together as a group, Campbell Ross, Elaina Conner, and Seth Ferguson have created a sound with flawless harmonies, relatable lyrics, and cultivated instrumentals. Previously, the three artists had recorded at Launch Pad Productions, so we were delighted to hear that they'd decided to combine their talents and become the perfect rock/country trio.  After recording some new songs, Campbell and Elaina sat down with us for an interview and insight to their newly formed group. 

1. How did you three meet?
E: I’ve known Seth since I was in 5th grade! We went to the same school and church, then stayed friends. We actually ended up becoming roommates my senior year of college!  Campbell and I went to the same high school for two years but she was a grade above me so I didn’t really know her. Her cousin Taylor and I became best friends in high school, and one summer they roomed together in Nashville while interning. We went out a few times. A few years later we both ended up working at Sony/ATV and that’s when we started to get really close. Last year for my birthday, Taylor and Seth met me at Alegria, a Mexican restaurant in Green Hills (now closed, oh memories…), and Campbell stopped by before she went on a date. That’s when she and Seth met. I’m pretty sure her date took her on a plane ride… Anyways, afterwards, we all went over to Campbell’s apartment (conveniently located across the street from Alegria) and started playing songs! It was SO MUCH FUN. I’d been kind of shy about singing before and it felt awesome like puzzle pieces coming together.

2.. What inspired the name "Campbell Station?"

C: Campbell is my middle name and Elaina's maiden name, so it is a name that means a lot to both of us and has been in our family for generations. We played around with different words we thought sounded cool with "Campbell", and we concluded that we really liked the way "Station" melded with it. 

 3. What inspires you to write music?

C: Past relationships is a big inspiration; Hopefully I'll start writing more positive songs about relationships since I just started dating someone; I also have been known to write songs about other people's experiences - for example, I wrote a song about my friend whose fiánce broke the wedding off FIVE days before the wedding, which I aptly titled, "What's Wrong with You, Man?"

E: Feelings and emotions inspire me, also the desire to sing! I like coming up with melodies that make me feel when I sing them. I love harmonizing of course, and adding little background vocals and flourishes that add something extra to a song.

4. Who are some of your favorite performers? 

C: Amy Grant is flawless; Ed Sheeran is RIDICULOUSLY talented; Demi Lovato can sing her ass off! 

E: Adele, Katy Perry, Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran, Moon Taxi,Paramore...
There are of course SO many bands and artists that I love, but I love hearing a band/artist who can really perform live. Some people don’t sound as good live as they do on their albums. I love a concert experience that makes you feel like you just experienced something amazing/moving by being there! Also I really want to see more of my favorite bands live so I can add them to this list!

5. Who would you like to open for? 

C: Miranda Lambert!!! 

E: If we’re dreaming big and I don’t have to stay in a countryish genre, I’d say Adele, Katy Perry, Foo Fighters, Justin Timberlake, Imogen Heap, etc. Imagine the guest vocals that could happen during those concerts! Adele, please let me sing with you. Justin, please join us for some three part harmonies. But that’s just me wanting to sing with people.

6. Describe your writing process for me.

E:  Seth’s on guitar playing something awesome, Campbell is excellent at lyrics and melody, I help fine-tune lyrics and melody and contribute whenever I can. I’m still working on being a better writer! We all come up with stuff on our own too and send voice memos to each other.

7. Do you have a specific audience in mind when you w
rite your music?

C: Not at all. I want anyone and everyone to be able to relate to the feelings that our music emits and to enjoy listening to our voices and music.

8. What can people expect from your live performance?

C: With the risk of seeming overly confident, we are killer live! I've never met anyone who can harmonize as creatively and beautifully as Elaina; Neither have I met anyone as musically diverse and talented as Seth. I'm very lucky to have them on my team! 

9. Where are you playing next?

E:  I’m super excited to announce that we’re playing the Riverbend Festival in Chattanooga this summer, because I went to that growing up.

10. Do you have a website/social media? Where can we follow you?

Check out our website:
Follow us on:  Facebook / Instagram 
